084-Wind cartoons (Lorca)

The breeze is wavy.

  • Work
    • 084
  • Name
    • Wind cartoons (Lorca)
  • City and date
    • Banyoles, September 1998
  • Duration
    • 3'20
  • Instrumentation
    • voice, flute and piano - voice, violin and piano
  • Texts
    • Federico García Lorca
  • Text language
    • Castilian
  • Cd
    • Water Nymphs-The show (2013)
  • Premiere
    • Girona, Narcís de Carreras Auditorium 2 of December of 1998 Voice: Josep Mª Saguer Violin: Mª Victoria Fernández Rapsoda: Santi Falcon Piano: Paco Viciana

Abstract of dramatic work Lorca about 20 poems of the book "Suites", from Andalusian poet Federico García Lorca, on the occasion of commemorating the centenary of his birth in 1998.

I made two versions about this work.

Historietas del viento (original version)

La brisa
es ondulada
como los cabellos
de algunas muchachas.
Como los marecitos
de algunas viejas tablas.
La brisa
brota como el agua,
y se derrama
-tenue bálsamo blanco-
por las cañadas,
y se desmaya
al chocar con lo duro
de la montaña.

 Wind cartoons (English translation)

The breeze
is wavy
as the hair
of some girls.
As little seas
of some old boards.
The breeze
flows like water,
and spills
-soft white balsam-
through the glens,
and faints
when hitting it hard
of the mountain.

Work included in the shows:


Wind cartoons (version for contralto, flute (oboe) and piano) (3'06):



  • Voice: Glòria Garcés
  • Flute: Esteve Zulet
  • Oboe: Almudena Jambrina
  • Piano: Paco Viciana

Concert at the Church of l'Assumpció de Segur of Calafell on August 25, 2002 (show Journeying).


Score in pdf (version for contralto, flute (oboe) and piano):




Wind cartoons (version for mezzosoprano, violin and piano) (3'18): 



  • Voice: Gina Reyner
  • Violin: Eszter Schütz
  • Piano: Anna Cassú
Concert at Municipal Theater of Girona on February 10, *2013
Score in pdf (version for mezzosoprano, violin and piano):