084-Madrigals (Lorca)
And on my lips your kisses.
- 084
- Madrigals (Lorca)
City and date
- Banyoles, September 1998
- 2'
- voice and piano
- Federico García Lorca
Text language
- Castilian
- 25 years making music (2013)
- Water Nymphs-The show (2013)
- Girona, Narcís de Carreras Auditorium 2 of December of 1998 Voice: Josep Mª Saguer Violin: Mª Victoria Fernández Rapsoda: Santi Falcon Piano: Paco Viciana
Abstract of dramatic work Lorca about 20 poems of the book "Suites", from Andalusian poet Federico García Lorca, on the occasion of commemorating the centenary of his birth in 1998.
Madrigales (Original version)
Como las ondas concéntricas
sobre el agua,
así en mi corazón
tus palabras.
Como un pájaro que choca
con el viento,
así sobre mis labios
tus besos.
Como fuentes abiertas
frente a la tarde,
así mis ojos negros
sobre tu carne.
Madrigals (English translation)
As the concentric waves
on water,
so in my heart
your words.
Like a bird that collides
with the wind,
and on my lips
your kisses.
As open source
in front of afternoon,
my black eyes
on your flesh.
Work included in the shows:
- Tribute concert to Lorca (1998)
- Charity concert La Draga (2000)
- Lunatics (2002)
- Paco Viciana Collage (2004)
- Concert to the Lenca Indians (2009)
- Water Nymphs (The show) (2013)
- Lunatics (2014)
Madrigals (1'53):
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- Voice: Glòria Garcés
- Piano: Anna Cassú
Concert at the Municipal Theater of Girona on February 10, 2013
from Cd Water Nymphs (The show) (2013).
Score in pdf:
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