024-Ode to impossible loves
Longing for love.
- 024
- Ode to impossible loves
City and date
- Besalú, July 1988
- 3’
- voice and piano
- Paco Viciana
Text language
- Catalan
- Segur de Calafell, Church of the Assumption August 25, 2002 Voice: Glòria Garcés Flute: Esteve Zulet Piano: Paco Viciana
Work generated after a loving rejection, a usual fact that tell us poems and stories, but that when you live it is deeply painful, unrequited love.
Idyllic vision of the eyes of the beloved. Longing for love.
A song that almost isn't no song, a hymn of grieving that starts and ends discretely, almost without being.
Show Journeying
Oda als amors impossibles (Original in Catalan):
Tu que em portes lluny,
dels amors caiguts,
em fas que et digui,
que els estels no morin
i la lluna pugui ballar
dins del mar,
com si un vals els convides a estimar.
I és l'amor que ens fa veure
uns ulls ballant dins del mar.
Ode to impossible loves (English translation):
You who carry me far away,
of fallen loves,
you make me tell you,
that stars don't die
and the moon could dance
inside the sea,
as a vals invited to love.
And it is love that show us
eyes dancing inside the sea.
Work included in the shows:
Ode to impossible loves (version for the show Journeying)
- Voice: Glòria Garcés
- Flute: Esteve Zulet
- Piano: Paco Viciana