022-For watching the kingdom of who dreams (piano and voice version)

For you Mireia.

  • Work
    • 022
  • Name
    • For watching the kingdom of who dreams (piano and voice version)
  • City and date
    • Besalú, July 13, 1988
  • Duration
    • 3'
  • Instrumentation
    • piano / piano and voice
  • Texts
    • Mireia Feliu
  • Text language
    • Catalan
  • Premiere (piano version)
    • Besalú, Church of Sant Julià (Municipal Theater) July 12, 1992 Piano: Paco Viciana

Referring to the name Mireia in the original title of the theme "Per MIrar el REgne de qui somnIA",  song dedicated to my old Mireia Feliu

Work with improvisatory and jazzístic caracter, in the beginning of the work as in the middle of it.

The original piece was created in 1988, and 30 years later, at the beginning of 2018, the recipient of the piece, the singer Mireia Feliu, added a Lyrics to the melody. And so, what was originally an instrumental work, generated a sister in the form of a new arrangement to be sung.

Sharing the authorship of the piece with the person who inspired it, closed a circle. Surprises that from time to time life offers us.


Per mirar el regne de qui somnia (Original in Catalan):
Lletra: Mireia Feliu
Cada cop que sento que es vol escapar.
Cada vegada que ho voldria entre les mans.
No es pot tancar, no es pot lligar,
fins i tot em pot costar d'anomenar.
I si la vida insisteix en el record,
ho tanco en un racó del cor,
i allà es queda si pot.
Com m'agradaria poder-ho atrapar,
obrir la caixa quan la vida em fes mal.
I viure-ho tot un altre cop.
I qui sap,
sentir que tot és com abans.
Però tu ho saps tan bé com jo.
Aquest és el joc.
I res no torna al mateix lloc.
Ni crema igual aquell foc.


For watching the kingdom of who dreams (English translation):
Lyrics: Mireia Feliu

Every time I feel like he wants to escape.
Every time I want it in my hands.
It can not be closed, it can not be tied,
It may even cost me to call.
And if life insists on memory,
I lock it in a corner of the heart,
and there he stays if he can.

How I would like to catch him,
open the box when life got me wrong.
And live it all again.
And who knows,
to feel that everything is as before.
But you know it as good as I do.
This is the game.
And nothing does not return to the same place.
It does not burn like that fire.


Work included in the shows:

  • Piano: Paco Viciana
Concert in he Cloister of Banyoles on August 14, 2013
For watching the kingdom of who dreams (piano and voice version):


Score in pdf (piano and voice version) (Full Score and parts) (16 pages) 2€:

Additional information