A heart, a flower, a world.
- 021
- Eyes
City and date
- Besalú, January 1988
- 5'40
- voice and piano
- Paco Viciana
Text language
- Catalan
- Besalú, Church of Sant Julià (Municipal Theater) August 6, 1988 Voice: Jaume De Caso Piano: Paco Viciana
Work generated under suggestion of my disapeared friend, Jaume De Caso, who also premiered the play. In memory of yours, it's dedicated to you my friend.
In 1987 I was comissioned to do the musical direction of the staging of the musical "Un hombre de la mancha" from Mitch Leigh, for the chamber theater agrupation of Barcelona Xaris.
The close relationship during the production of the musical between all the members of the company, was so intense and creative, that generated this song. Our meeting point was the bar "La gens que j'aime" in Barcelona, and conversations and everything we generated at that time, has been instalated in a special place in my heart and in my memories. I keep intense memories of those bohemic years, full of hopes, deep friendships and freedom. Then my profesional career started inside music. Unrepeatable!
Over time, obviously, only remained the memory, this song and my friendship with Jaume De Caso.
This song is his memory and his tribute.
Premiere sith Jaume de Caso
Work included in the following shows:
Uns ulls (Original in Catalan):
Més enllà del teu cos
Eyes (English translation):
Beyond your body