020-Occasionally falls a dense curtain

The words float in a still sea.

  • Work
    • 020
  • Name
    • Occasionally falls a dense curtain
  • City and date
    • Besalú, September 1987
  • Duration
    • 3'
  • Instrumentation
    • voice and piano
  • Texts
    • Miquel Martí i Pol
  • Text language
    • Catalan
  • Premiere
    • Besalú, Church of Sant Julià (Municipal Theater) July 12, 1992 Voice: César Puente Piano: Paco Viciana

After the deep impression the concert generated on me, of our dear and missing catalan soprano Victòria dels Àngels, at the music festival of Torroella de Montgrí in 1987, I decided to compose this work.

The next day of the concert, still under its starling efect, I created my first work for solo voice and piano.

For that end, I found this beautiful poem of catalan poet Miquel Martí i Pol. Later, in 2003 I returned to use poems of this poet: the dramatic work Després de tot.

The sound archive I show below is for mezzosoprano, although the original version was created for baritone.

Victòria dels Àngels


Work included in the shows:

A voltes cau una cortina espessa (Original in Catalan):
A voltes cau una cortina espessa
damunt de tot, i tot esdevé estèril.
No és el silenci i és més que el silenci.
Floten els mots en una mar immòbil,
tota la cambra és un parany i esclaten,
inútilment, angoixes i projectes.
Res no distreu d'aquests instants terribles
com tancar els ulls i imaginar una noia
de cos propici al joc, a la baralla.
Occasionally falls a dense curtain (English translation):
Occasionally falls a dense curtain
above everything, and everything becomes sterile.
It is not silence and it is more than silence.
The words float in a still sea,
the whole chamber is a trap and explote,
uselessly, distresses and proyects.
Nothing distracts of this terrible moments
as close the eyes and imagine a girl
of body suitable for a game, to the fight.
Occasionally falls a dense curtain (2'56): 
  • Voice: Glòria Garcés
  • Piano: Paco Viciana
Concert at the Auditorium Viader oof Girona on June 5, 2003
Score in pdf (Full Score and parts - 14 pages) 2€: