
Music and dreams

  • Name
    • Oneiric
  • City and date
    • Banyoles, Novembre 16/21, 2023
  • Duration
    • 5'
  • Instrumentation
    • piano
  • Parts
    • I - II
  • Premiere
    • Banyoles, Ateneu Auditorium, May 12, 2023 Piano: Paco Viciana

With this piece divided into two parts, the first one (Onírica I) with no more than 2 minutes longer and the second one (Onírica II) with no more than 3 minutes longer, it begins and ends, musically mening, the ONEIRIC show of the year 2023, and wants to represent the strength and subtlety of Nature, vital and at the same time delicate, deep and sometimes seemingly insensitive.

They are pieces of medium difficulty with many contrasts and with a thematic link between them to make the whole show where they are destinated something unitary.

And these are the only two creations (Onírica I and Onírica II) made expressly for the ONEIRIC’s project, the first production of POSSIBLE PRODUCTIONS, a production company created by Anna Bahí and I to generate new artistic projects.

The rest of the music in the show is a selection of pieces from the own series "Instant Music", together with improvisations on stage.

ONEIRIC is a 60-minute show created with the visual artist Anna Bahí about the world of dreams and Nature, with a selection of poems from the work "Canigó" by Jacint Verdaguer and "Poema del bosc" by Alexandre de Riquer, with the rhapsody of poems by Lluís Soler, the audiovisuals created for the occasion by Anna Bahí, the scenography by Jaume Geli, the lighting and sound design by Marc Paneque, the stage direction of Àngel Amieva and the interpretation of myself on the piano one selection of my musical creations.

Show premiered on October 7, 2023 at the Auditorium of the Ateneu of Banyoles.

Work included in the shows:


Oneiric I (2'10):


Oneiric II (3'10):

  • Piano: Paco Viciana


Score (18 pages):


Additional information