041-Darling, I love you (piano version)

Love, love, love.

  • Work
    • 041
  • Name
    • Darling, I love you (piano version)
  • City and date
    • Besalú, May 1992
  • Duration
    • 4'30
  • Instrumentation
    • piano
  • Cd
    • Humans (2015)
  • Premiere (original version)
    • Besalú, Church of Sant Julià (Municipal Theater) July 12, 1992 Voice: Titón Frauca Piano: Paco Viciana
  • Premiere (piano version)
    • Banyoles, Auditorium March 7, 2015 Piano: Paco Viciana

Piano version from the first of the six works created under the effects of falling in love with Marta Grabulosa, who later became my wife and the mother of our two children, Aniol and Aina.

Marta Grabulosa


The other five works inspired by her are:

-My love (1995)

-An angel to earth (2002)

-My luck (2007)

-The women of my house (2014)

-The empress of my heart (2017)


Love song being in love, direct and heartfelt poem to my beloved.

The original version of this work was done for voice and piano and I created the lyrics of the song as an acrostic (greek ákros: extrem, and stikhos: line or verse), a poetic composition where the initial letters read vertically form the title of the theme in catalan: AMOR, T'ESTIMO (Darling I love you)

Amor, t'estimo (original in catalan):

Al matí quan la llum ens convida a sortir del son,
Miro els teus ulls, estels que brillen encara.
O potser és que encara no estic despert.
Rient veuràs, la llum del món en els seu ulls.
Tornaran a parlar tots els meus somnis oblidats,
En el meu pit, ja l’alegria hi viu sempre.
Sense alè, m’ompliré del teu vi d’amor i moriré havent viscut l’amor profund.
T‘ompliré de racons on ficar-te el meu cor perdut,
Imaginant que hi visqui a dins teu per sempre,
Miraré desde lluny el teu rostre un cop, sabent del cert,
On hi viurà sempre el meu cor.
Darling, I love you (translated to english)

In the morning when the light invite us to get out of sleep,
I look your eyes, stars that still shine.
Or maybe I am not awake yet.
Laughing you’ll see, the light of the world in her eyes.

They’ll call back all my forgotten dreams,
in my chest, joy lives always,
breathless, I’ll fill of your love wine and die having lived deep love.


I’ll fill you with corners where to put my lost heart,
imaginating I live inside you for ever,
I’ll look at your face from afar once, knowing certainly,
where my heart will always live.


Version for piano solo of the song with same name for vocal solist and piano. Created under the effect of intens amorousness with Marta Grabulosa, who would later become my wife and the mother of our two children. An honest love song. From heart to heart. After the good acceptance that has always obtained this original piece for voice and piano, I have made all kind of arrangements of it.

After the good acceptance that has always obtained this original piece for voice and piano, I have made all kind of arrangements of it, and I have staged it in many of my shows, always with great success.

I made this version for piano solo specifically for the show Humans of 2015, with photos from Tino Soriano and choreographies from Alba Carretero. Specifically it was number 12 of the show called Humanity in love.

Work included in the shows:


Darling, I love you (piano version) (4'33):



  • Piano: Piano Viciana

Score in pdf (Full Score - piano version - 12 pages) 2€: