284-October wind (cobla and choir version)

Sardana for freedom

  • Work
    • 284
  • Name
    • October wind (cobla and choir version)
  • City and date
    • Banyoles, April/May 2018
  • Duration
    • 6'30
  • Instrumentation
    • cobla and female choir - cobla - piano and choir
  • Texts
    • J.N. Santaeulàlia
  • Text language
    • Catalan
  • Premiere
    • Banyoles, Plaça dels Turers - October 22, 2018: Voices: Nataliya Nesterchuk and Laia Bosch / Cobles: Principal de la Bisbal, Selvatana and Ciutat de Girona / Musical direction: Paco Viciana.

Sardana specifically ordered by the CDR del Pla de l'Estany (Defense Committee of the Republic), the ANC del Pla de l'Estany (National Assembly of Catalonia) and the Promotion of the Sardana of Banyoles, to act as a protest on Saturday June 30, 2018 and generate a human circle of thousands of people to dance this sardana and the sardana Somni by Manel Saderra around the lake of Banyoles. And for that, the Sardana for freedom website has been created.

With this multitudinous act it is wanted to request the immediate liberation of the political prisoners, the return of the exiled ones and the immediate cease of all the judicial and repressive processes on the part of the Spanish justice and the Government of Spain against the process of independence and the rself-determination right of Catalonia, legitimized by the international rights of the United Nations, to which Spain is attached.

To promote the act I created the music of this sardana called October Wind - Sardana for freedom with texts taken from a poem by the same name of the writer from Banyoles J. N. Santaeulàlia, with whom he had previously collaborated with works such as Lake (Crystalline kaleidoscope) or the inaugural 2004 world rowing show Lake.

October Wind is inspired by the spirit of one of the most emblematic and at the same time banned sardanas of the Catalan sardanistic repertoire: La Santa Espina, with music by Enric Morera and text by Angel Guimera. His cheerful and vital spirit, uncontaminated Catalan and proud of his particularity helped me to find the vindictive and hopeful tone of October Wind.

I want to send with this work a clear message of hope and pride in our history and in our people, in the constant and tireless struggle for the liberties of our people, now and always, and at the same time make us understand that we are really free than that we think, since we have faced an oppressive and powerful state that wants us submissive and obedient, but that with "an army of small flames" we illuminate the way forward to achieve our total freedom. The sardana ends with a "We are free" clarifier.

The sardana admits three possible musical interpretations: for cobla and chorus (originally written for female chorus, but the tessitura of the voices are created thinking about the possibility of also using a male chorus, only lowering an octave the vocal lines of the sopranos and alto ), for cobla and for piano and chorus.

The recording of the work was made on Saturday May 26, 2018, in its version for cobla and female choir with Jordi Molina as cobla coordinator of the, Imma Pascual as female choir coordinator, 44.1 recording studio from Aiguaviva with Toni Paris as recording technician and with me as musical producer of the whole session.



VENT D’OCTUBRE (original)
Sardana per la llibertat
Lletra: A partir d’un poema de J. N. Santeulàlia
Música: Paco Viciana
Som gent tranquil·la
que avancem plegats,
en peu de pau,
cansats de ser vençuts.
Ja no esgrimim cap llança contra tu,
ja no empunyem l'espasa sangonosa,
ja no volem més arma que aquest foc
que crema als nostres ulls.
Torna’ns, Espanya, les dones i els homes que ens has pres!
Encara que ens colpegis i ens trepitgis
i, amb ira, ens arrosseguis pels cabells,
ja t’hem perdut la por:
som lliures
i ho proclamem ben fort als quatre vents.
Aquesta nit d’octubre,
som un exèrcit de petites flames
alçat contra l'abús del teu poder.
Sempre endavant,
units pel nostre anhel,
tots farem força
i et tombarem com un roure podrit,
farem cruixir els teus ossos contra el terra.
Som lliures.


Sardana for freedom
Lyrics: Based on a poem by J. N. Santeulàlia
Music: Paco Viciana

We are quiet people
that we move together,
standing for peace,
tired of being defeated.

We no longer use any spear against you,
we no longer use the bloody sword,
We no longer want more weapon than this fire
that burns in our eyes.

Give us back, Spain, the women and men that you have taken!

Even if you strike us and step on us
and, in anger, you drag on the hair,
We have already lost our fear:
we are free
and we proclaim it forcefully to the four winds.

This October night,
We are an army of small flames
stand against the abuse of your power.

Always ahead,
united with our yearning,
we will all make strength
and we will drop you like a rotting oak,
We will crunch your bones against the ground.

We are free.

October wind (cobla and female choir version):
Score in pdf (cobla and female choir version): 
  • Cobla coordinator and Musical Producer: Jordi Molina
  • Flabiol: Barbara Ardanuy
  • Tibles: Josep Salvatella and Salvador Parés
  • Tenors: Jordi Salvatella and Jordi Molina
  • Trumpets: Carles Nieto and Pere Banyeras
  • Trombon: Pau Freixas
  • Fiscorns: Joni Ripoll and Miquel Vega
  • Double bass: Monica Serra


  • Female choir coordinator and Musical Direcction of the choir: Imma Pascual
  • Female choir: Judit Creus, Natàlia Saballs, Laura Blasco, Laia Ylla, Raquel Cebrià, Ànnia Pons, Mariona Capellera, Mariona Navarro, Martina Aubert, Magalí Soler


  • Recording technician: Toni París
  • Musical Production: Paco Viciana
  • Recording, mixing and mastering on Saturday, May 26, 2018 at 44.1 Recording Studio from Aiguaviva
Score in pdf (cobla version):
  • Cobla coordinator and Musical Producer: Jordi Molina
  • Flabiol: Barbara Ardanuy
  • Tibles: Josep Salvatella and Salvador Parés
  • Tenors: Jordi Salvatella and Jordi Molina
  • Trumpets: Carles Nieto and Pere Banyeras
  • Trombon: Pau Freixas
  • Fiscorns: Joni Ripoll and Miquel Vega
  • Double bass: Monica Serra


  • Recording technician: Toni París
  • Musical Production: Paco Viciana
  • Recording, mixing and mastering on Saturday, May 26, 2018 at 44.1 Recording Studio from Aiguaviva


Score in pdf (piano and choir version):