076-Cultural Girona (OST Documental)

Gerundense history.

  • Work
    • 076
  • Name
    • Cultural Girona (OST-Documental)
  • City and date
    • Besalú, August 1996
  • Duration
    • 7'
  • Instrumentation
    • piano
  • Parts
    • 1) Roman era 2) Age of cathedrals 3) Renaissance 4) Classical period 5) 20th century

Music for a cultural CD-Rom about the city of Girona and its history. Thus we have 5 musical parts that relate each one of them, the historical moments that the proposal wants to describe: 1-Roman era, 2-Age of cathedrals, 3-Renaissance, 4-Classical period and 5-20th century.

Original sounf files lost.

Cultural Girona (6'45):



Score in pdf: