091b-Four Haikús (boys choir version)

Approaching fragancy.

  • Work
    • 091b
  • Name
    • Four Haikús
  • City and date
    • Banyoles, 1999
  • Duration
    • 4'30
  • Instrumentation
    • boys choir
  • Parts
    • 1) The fallen flower 2) The path that finished 3) White camellias 4) Little child
  • Texts
    • Moritake, Buson, Ranko, Seifu-Jo
  • Text language
    • Català
  • Premiere (original version)
    • Torroella de Montgrí, Municipal Library October 6, 1999 Voices: Ferran Frauca, Titon Frauca Psalteri, voice and flute: Paco Viciana
Set of four works in one for youth choir. Four compositions created expressly for use in the show Imaginary Journeys of 1999. This show is inspired by short stories by the Catalan writer Mercè Rodoreda, which we have taken to various cities in Catalonia. The four works are:
Conjunt de quatre obres en una per a cor juvenil. Quatre composicions creades expressament per a utilitzar-les en l'espectacle Viatges imaginaris de l'any 1999. Espectacle inspirat en relats curts de l'escriptora catalana Mercè Rodoreda, i que vàrem portar per diverses ciutats de Catalunya. Les quatre obres són:

-The fallen flower
-White camellias
-Little child
-Path that finishes

The show was directed by Ferran Frauca, and the performers were: Ferran Frauca himself as rapsoda and singer, Titon Frauca as singer and rapsoda, and a servant as interpreter of psalter, singer and rapsoda.

I made the four compositions about classical Japanese poems called Haikus, poetic style I discovered at that time and which I have used in many occasions, as now in the show Lake or in the song Midday's Haikus.

The Haikus consist of small poems of very few verses that portray in a subtle and sensitive way moments of poetic contemplation towards nature.

The four Haikus correspond to the following Japanese poets: For "The fallen flower" Moritake, known as Arakida Moritake, Japanese poet of the late fifteenth century, for "Path that finishes" Buson, or known as Yosa Buson or Taniguchi Buson, Japanese poet of the late eighteenth century, for "White camellias" Ranko, Japanese poet of the early eighteenth century, and last for "Little child" Seifu-jo, known as Enomoto Seifu Jo, Japanese poet of the early eighteenth century.

Work included in the show Imaginary Journeys (1999)



La flor caiguda (Moritake)
La flor caiguda de la branca,
ja hi torna? Oh, papallona.
The fallen flower (English translation)
The fallen flower of the branch,
it already returns? Oh, butterfly.
Camí que acaba (Buson)
Camí que acaba
fragància que s'acosta
flors de bardissa.
Path that finishes (English translation)
Path that finishes
aproaching fragance
bush flowers.
Blanques camèlies (Ranko)
Blanques camèlies que cauen
l'únic so d'aquest nit de lluna.
White camellias (English translation)
White camellias that fall
the only sound of this moonnight.
Petit infant (Seifu-jo)
Petit infant
li ensenyes una flor
i obre la boca.
Little child (English translation)
Little child
you show him a flower
and he opens the mouth.
Four Haikus (4'27):

Score in pdf: