080-You're part of the love

A smile changed the universe.

  • Work
    • 080
  • Name
    • You're part of the love
  • City and date
    • Banyoles, January 1997
  • Duration
    • 4'
  • Instrumentation
    • piano and voice
  • Texts
    • Paco Viciana
  • Text language
    • Catalan
  • Cd
    • That it rotates round (1997)

In 1996 I was charged with directing and coordinating musically the production of the CD That It Rotates Round with music directed to young people. I was in charge of coordinating all the subjects that intervened, of making the musical arrangements of all of them, and later coordinating the recording. What is called Music Producer.

In addition, they proposed to incorporate four songs of mine in the CD. I chose for that purpose two that I had already created for them: We will be close to your heart and We'll wait for you, and I created two new ones. And so the themes  A silver lining and You are part of the love were born.

Both themes, with vital and positive character, were incorporated in this work called That It Rotates Round.

Later I played a piano version of the theme for the program of Catalunya Radio "El pont de les formigues", directed by Martí Gironell.



Formes part de l'amor (original version)
Quan a l’albada em desperta la llum,
no sé mai de quin color el meu destí es vestirà.
Tots hi ballem al so d’una cançó que mai saps com sonarà,
meravelles del món interior.
Crida amb fermesa per veure l’amor navegant al teu costat,
com un vaixell al mig del mar.
No deixis córrer l’oportunitat d’adquirir un bon grapat d’esperança i
Si la pluja o la claror no et porten la raó
del perquè no ens alegrem en veure el sol, somrient al matí,
amb la llum esclafant la foscor de la nit.
Si a més et veus tot sol portant el pes del món,
no t’espanti l’escalfor que dóna un nen que al matí somrient,
juga i balla pensant que no hi ha més per fer.
Quan l’alegria et convida a ballar no rebutgis l’ocasió,
potser demà no t’ho dirà.
Pensa que mai has pogut somniar amb els ulls oberts al cel,
un somriure ha canviat l’univers.
Tu també formes part de l’amor.
You're part of the love (English translation)
When at dawn the light awakens me,
I never know what color my fate will wear.
We all dance to the sound of a song that you never know how it will sound,
Wonders of the inside world.
Shout firmly to see the love sailing at your side,
like a ship in the middle of the sea.
Don't give up the opportunity to acquire a good handful of hope and
If the rain or the light doesn't bring you the reason
of which we aren't happy to see the sun, smiling in the morning,
with the light crushing the darkness of the night.
If you also see yourself carrying the weight of the world,
don't be scared the heat that gives a child who smiling in the morning,
plays and dances thinking that there is more to do.
When joy invites you to dance don't reject the occasion,
maybe tomorrow he won't tell you.
Think you could never dream with your eyes open to the sky,
a smile has changed the universe.
You are part of the love, too.
You're part of the love (3'53):
  • Choirs: Agnès Fusté, Josep M. Godoy (Jotxin), Susanna Palou, Pep Puigdemont, Beth Riera
  • Electric guitar: Jordi Solé
  • Rhythmic guitars: Josep M. Godoy (Jotxin)
  • Soloist voice and choirs: Xavier Thió
  • Keyboards: Paco Viciana

from Cd That It Rotates Round (1997) 


Score in pdf: