079-A silver lining

I intend to live a lot of sensations.

  • Work
    • 079
  • Name
    • A silver lining
  • City and date
    • Banyoles, January 1997
  • Duration
    • 3'
  • Instrumentation
    • piano and voice
  • Texts
    • Paco Viciana
  • Text language
    • Catalan
  • Cd
    • That it rotates round (1997)

In 1996 I was charged with directing and coordinating musically the production of the CD That It Rotates Round with music directed to young people. I was in charge of coordinating all the subjects that intervened, of making the musical arrangements of all of them, and later coordinating the recording. What is called Music Producer.

In addition, they proposed to incorporate four songs of mine in the CD. I chose for that purpose two that I had already created for them: We will be close to your heart and We'll wait for you, and I created two new ones. And so the themes  A silver lining and You are part of the love were born.

Both themes, with vital and positive character, were incorporated in this work called That It Rotates Round.



Un raig de llum (original version)

L’Impacient no en té mai prou,
l’inconscient es destrueix,
i la por i la angoixa ploren
perquè no són res ben soles.
La tristor no té mai fons,
el qui enveja no té amics.
I tu i jo aquí dalt fent “penya”
perquè tot això mai surti al sol.
Quan la llum de l’amor et crida
i el seu món de calor
inunda el teu desig de viure a fons,
l’univers es converteix en una nau de cotó.
I és llavors quan un mateix,
se n’adona de l’encert
que és poder viure amb tendresa
des de l’alba fins al vespre.
Compartint no hi ha rancor
i l’enveja mai fa lloc,
en un món que mai s’acaba
penso viure un munt de sensacions.
No pateixis l’abandó,
ni tampoc la submissió,
perquè mai podràs entendre
que se sent quan topes amb l’amor.
Mira al teu voltant hi ha un raig de llum.
A silver lining (English translation)
The Impatient doesn't have enough,
the unconscious is destroyed,
and fear and anguish cry
because they aren't at all well alone.
Sadness has never ground,
who envy has no friends.
And you and me up here making "group"
so that all this never goes out to the sun.
When the light of love calls you
and its world of heat
flood your desire to live in depth,
the universe becomes a cotton craft.
And it is then when oneself,
realizes the success
that is to be able to live with tenderness
from dawn until night.
Sharing there is no grudge
and envy never makes room,
in a world that never ends
I plan to live a lot of sensations.
Don't suffer abandonment,
nor the submission,
because you will never understand
what it feels when you meet love.
Look around, there is a silver lining.
A silver lining (3'06):
  • Choirs: Agnès Fusté, Josep M. Godoy (Jotxin), Pep Puigdemont, Beth Riera, Xavier Thió
  • Electric guitar: Rafael Ramón Manzano
  • Soloist voice, flute and choirs: Sussana Palou
  • Keyboards: Paco Viciana

from Cd That It Rotates Round (1997)


Score in pdf: