046-Musical Elf

Let's go to the land of the spell.

  • Work
    • 046
  • Name
    • Musical Elf
  • City and date
    • Besalú, March 1993
  • Duration
    • 3'50
  • Instrumentation
    • piano and voice
  • Texts
    • Paco Viciana
  • Text language
    • Catalan

Over 10 years that I practiced as teacher and director of the Music School of Besalú "El Sol Fa La Vida", school I created in 1987 and which I left it to other fellow workers in 1997, I generated all kinds of incentives and inventions to get make the heavy learning of musical language, something funny and both efective, like classic games adapted to musical learning: sink ships, the scarf game, dices games, etc. or finishing every class singing something modern like songs from the Beatles, among many other initiatives of that pedagogic time of my musical career.

And it's clear, I also composed, creating many songs with the objective of singing them in music class, and so were born the following themes of my then fresh catalog of compositions:

-Musical elf
-Fair's terror
-We'll wait for you
-Making all that we imagine
-Looking for the golden star

At that time I also lead the parish chorus of Besalú, so I also used some of these themes in their repertoire.


El follet musical (original version in catalan)

Hi havia una vegada un follet musical,

que anava i venia a sobre d’un Re.
Cantava i xiulava com un ocellet,
el pentagrama era un riu ple de sons.
Canviem tots plegats el cotxe i el tren
per un instrument musical,
perquè així veuràs, cantant i xiulant
com viatges més ràpid al mar.
I en arribar al seu poble, el poble dels sons,
un ta i un ti ti diuen, bon dia follet,
tot passejant es troba, amb la clau de sol,
més endavant es topa, amb un sostingut.
Riem i cantem, estem tots contents,
anem al país de l’encís.
Sadam Hussein no s’hi ficarà,
perquè el follet ho impedirà.
Però de cop i volta una matinada,
sense previ avís, ens va venir de lluny,
una cançó trista i molt desafinada,
que de dins dels cors dels qui no creuen en res.
I var ser així com el nostre món d’alegria i il·lusió,
va morir per sempre més,
i al follet musical mai no hem tornat a veure.
Però si encara t’emociones al veure sortir el sol
i penses en un món millor
i creus en l’imaginació. VINE A CANTAR AMB NOSALTRES!!!!
El conte que us explico arriba al seu fi,
però abans m’agradaria donar-vos consell,
aquest follet del conte és el vostre amic
si tots anem ben junts per cantar i xiular.
Oblida la por, estima els demés,
i així el follet viurà sempre amb tu.
Si no, penseu bé, t’ho demostraré: el teu cor és el teu follet.
Musical elf (English translation)
There was once a musical elf,
that came and went on top of a Re.
He sang and whistled like a little bird,
the pentagram was a river full of sounds.
We changed the car and the train together
by a musical instrument,
because so you will see, singing and whistling
as you travel faster at sea.
And when arriving at its town, the town of the sounds,
a ta and a ti ti say, good morning elf,
walking is found, with the treble clef,
Later it is found, with a sharp.
We laugh and sing, we are all happy,
let's go to the land of the spell.
Saddam Hussein will not get in,
because the elf will stop it.
But suddenly one night,
without warning, came from afar,
a sad and very out of tune song,
that within the hearts of those who believe in nothing.
And so was our world of joy and illusion,
died forever,
and the musical elf we have never seen again.
But if you still get excited when watching the sun rise
and you think of a better world
and you believe in the imagination. COME SING WITH US !!!!
The story that I tell you comes to an end,
but first I would like to give you advice,
This elf of the fairy tale is your friend
if we all go well together to sing and whistle.
Forget the fear, love the others,
and so the elf will always live with you.
If not, think carefully, I'll prove it to you: your heart is your elf.
Musical elf (instrumental version) (3'49):
  • Keyboards: Paco Viciana


Score in pdf (Full Score and parts - 24 pages) 2€: