045-Fair's terror

There's full moon, but everything is dark.

  • Work
    • 045
  • Name
    • Fair's terror
  • City and date
    • Besalú, March 1993
  • Duration
    • 3'40
  • Instrumentation
    • piano and voice
  • Texts
    • Paco Viciana
  • Text language
    • Catalan

Over 10 years that I practiced as teacher and director of the Music School of Besalú "El Sol Fa La Vida", school I created in 1987 and which I left it to other fellow workers in 1997, I generated all kinds of incentives and inventions to get make the heavy learning of musical language, something funny and both efective, like classic games adapted to musical learning: sink ships, the scarf game, dices games, etc. or finishing every class singing something modern like songs from the Beatles, among many other initiatives of that pedagogic time of my musical career.

And it's clear, I also composed, creating many songs with the objective of singing them in music class, and so were born the following themes of my then fresh catalog of compositions:

-Musical elf
-Fair's terror
-We'll wait for you
-Making all that we imagine
-Looking for the golden star

At that time I also lead the parish chorus of Besalú, so I also used some of these themes in his repertoire.



Terror a les fires (original version)

Sortiu de casa, no tingueu por,
reuniu-vos tots per entrar al castell dels terrors.
Hi ha lluna plena, però tot és fosc,
els llops ja criden en nom dels qui no han tornat.
La Bruixa piruixa ens vol llençar a tots,
un vol de malediccions que està fent.
Vampirs amb les dents mullades de sang,
ens venen a rebre amb un got de llet.
Però en el nostre somni de fantasmes,
no hi ha monstre que ens pugui fer mal.
Entra a la barraca carraca és una carca,
monstres i vampirs de cartró quina passada,
sona vola mola que trona la patrona,
la finestra oberta sortiu que som a fires.
I a fora ens criden, que ja heu sortit,
els pares diuen que tal, us heu divertit.
Però encara ignoren, que ens ha passat,
la sang vermella ha canviat per el color blau.
Fair's terror (English translation)
Leave home, do not be afraid,
gather all to enter the castle of the terrors.
there is a full moon, but everything is dark,
the wolves already call on behalf of those who have not returned.
The Witch wants us all to shoot,
a flight of curses she's doing.
Vampires with their teeth wet with blood,
welcome us with a glass of milk.
But in our dream of ghosts,
there is no monster that can hurt us.
Enter the tent rattle is a carca,
monsters and vampires of cardboard so cool,
it sounds flies the grinding wheel the patroness,
the open window come out we are at fairs.
And outside they call us, that he has already left,
parents say such, you have had fun.
But they still ignore, that has happened to us,
The red blood has changed by the blue color.
Fair's terror (instrumental version) (3'36):
  • Keyboards: Paco Viciana


Score in pdf (Full Score and parts - 20 pages) 2€: