044-We'll wait for you

Sing, dance, talk, shout.

  • Work
    • 044
  • Name
    • We'll wait for you
  • City and date
    • Besalú, February 1993
  • Duration
    • 3'
  • Instrumentation
    • piano and voice
  • Texts
    • Paco Viciana
  • Text language
    • Catalan
  • Cd
    • That it rotates round (1997)

Over 10 years that I practiced as teacher and director of the Music School of Besalú "El Sol Fa La Vida", school I created in 1987 and which I left it to other fellow workers in 1997, I generated all kinds of incentives and inventions to get make the heavy learning of musical language, something funny and both efective, like classic games adapted to musical learning: sink ships, the scarf game, dices games, etc. or finishing every class singing something modern like songs from the Beatles, among many other initiatives of that pedagogic time of my musical career.

And it's clear, I also composed, creating many songs with the objective of singing them in music class, and so were born the following themes of my then fresh catalog of compositions:

-Musical elf
-Fair's terror
-We'll wait for you
-Making all that we imagine
-Looking for the golden star

At that time I also lead the parish chorus of Besalú, so I also used some of these themes in his repertoire.

In addition, this theme was part of the 1997 album work about youth That it rotates round.


T’esperem (original version in catalan)

Vola, corre, bota, xiula,

travessant mars, aixecant boires,
vagis on vagis, vinguis d’on vinguis,
aquest poble és un encís.
El meu poble fa llegenda,
i està molt ple de Fantasia,
on veuràs fades que amb les sirenes,
juguen juntes al parxís.
Quan m’aixeco al dematí
i miro per la finestra,
sempre busco un ocellet
que em parla molt fluixet, de terres llunyanes.
I és quan penso que hi ha més gent
i més pobles esperant-me,
que de cop i volta veig
el meu poblet petit, molt més bonic.
Canta, balla, parla, crida,
vola amb el vent, salta muntanyes,
balla i mou-te, canta amb nosaltres,
vine a passar-t’ho molt bé.
Jo quan passo per les places
pels seus carrers, o per les cases,
i miro els núvols que amb orenetes,
fan un magnífic dibuix.
T’esperem, T’esperem, T’esperem, T’esperem.
We'll wait for you (english translation)
Fly, run, jump, whistle,
crossing seas, raising mists,
wherever you go, wherever you come from,
this town is a spell.
My people are legend,
and is very full of Fantasy,
where you will see fairies that with the mermaids,
play together to the Parcheesi.
When I get up in the morning
and look out the window,
I always look for a little bird
who speaks to me very softly, from distant lands.
And that's when I think there are more people
and more towns waiting for me,
that I suddenly see
my little town, much prettier.
Sing, dance, talk, shout,
fliy with the wind, jump mountains,
dance and move, sing with us,
come have a good time.
Me when I pass the squares
by its streets, or by the houses,
and I look at the clouds that with swallows,
they make a magnificent drawing.
We'll wait for you, We'll wait for you, We'll wait for you, We'll wait for you.
We'll wait for you (Cd version Que Giri Rodó) (3'01):
  • Choirs: Agnès Fusté, Josep M. Godoy (Jotxin), Susanna Palou, Pep Puigdemont, Beth Riera
  • Elecric guitar: Rafael Ramón Manzano
  • Soloist voice and choirs: Xavier Thió
  • Keyboards: Paco Viciana

Score in pdf (Full Score and parts - 22 pages) 2€: