• Little Hyenas, protagonists of this story

075-Playing in mother cave (Love to life) (short ensemble version)

Little puppies.

  • Work
    • 075
  • Name
    • Playing in mother cave (Love to life) (short ensemble version)
  • City and date
    • Besalú, February 1996
  • Duration
    • 4'
  • Instrumentation
    • violoncel and piano
  • Cd
    • Love to live (1997)
  • Premiere
    • Segur de Calafell, Church of the Assumption August 25, 2002 Cello: Daniel Regincós Piano: Paco Viciana
  • Premiere (original version)
    • Figueres, Teatre Municipal El Jardí March 6, 1998 Oboe: Francesc Castillo Contrabaix: Pere Coma Percussions and drums: Xavi Rodríguez Piano, psalteries and Andean flute: Paco Viciana

Abstract arranged for a small instrumental group of a part of the work Love to life, composed after viewing a BBC documentary called "The sea wolf, survival on the coast of the skeletons" of the series Natural World, a story about love and death between Hyenas in the west coast of Africa. 

An ode to life and hope.

A song to innocent and carefree playing of the little Hyena puppies in front of its cave, protagonists of the story I tell in Love to life.

Work included in the Cd Love to life (1997)

Work included in the shows:

Playing in mother cave (Love to life) (short ensemble version) (2'53):


  • Cello: Daniel Regincós
  • Piano: Paco Viciana
Concert in the Church of l'Assumpció de Segur of Calafell on August 25, 2002 (show Journeying)
Score in pdf: