2019-The light inside the water

Show premiered on December 15, 2019 at the Banyoles Swimming Club as part of the Water Concerts cycle.
The new show A light in the water presents us a sensitive and vital proposal with the recitation of some poems and texts by the great Catalan poet and writer J.N. Santaeulàlia.

An initiatory journey into the world of the senses, sensations, instinct, a life cycle, a light in the water to let go, to enjoy life and the continuous flow of daily events. A song to the innocence of the soul.

I pull the curl to my ear and listen to the lost waves.
I remember, once again, the primary lesson.

Empty of everything,
the old sea snail
is full of voices.

Music, piano and rhapsody: Paco Viciana
Poems: J.N. Santaeulàlia



  • December 15, 2019 at Club Natació from Banyoles (premiere).
  • Decembre 8, 2021 at Blau D'Art from Banyoles.
  • November 26, 2023 at the Auditori de l'Ateneu from Banyoles.