Show premiered on July 24, 2004 at The Draga Pavilion in Banyoles (Girona).
Multimedia show with photographies of Tino Soriano, poems by Josep Navarro Santaeulàlia, audiovisual by Xavi Perez and Miquel Casadevall "Quelfo", choreography by Iona Altimiras, set design by Pep Aymerich and stage direction by Angel Amieva, for the opening of the World Rowing Championship 2004 in Banyoles.
Presentation and plot of the show:
We invite you to join this fantastic journey for the senses. A trip along a virtual day around a place of extreme beauty: THE LAKE OF BANYOLES, important center during centuries of the experiences of thousands of people of all ages and cultures.
The show portrays a walk feelings and abstract concepts closer to the lake: water, light, wind, trees, leaves, life and death, effort, the night, the stars, the people ... Through different artistic disciplines (photography, music, poetry, theater, sculpture, video ...), we intend to raise public awareness about the importance of this natural landmark.
For more than an hour of show we want to convey the familiar warmth of the first rays of the sun or the shocking sting of death in the womb of the water, the fresh smell of wet earth after the storm, the effort flooding the art of self-improvement, the melancholy of fallen leaves and the vitality that surrounds and crosses the lake.
A humble and reflective trip about life and death. An initiatory journey in search of a more hopeful horizon. A return to Nature.
All the poems that we used in the show, written by Josep Navarro Santaeulàlia, were Haikus, an ancient Japanese structure of making minimalist poems. I put an example of one of them:
Neither mud nor fire.
My soul is water,
Green and blue light.
- The first light
- Dawn
- Inside the water
- Midday
- Storm
- Effort
- Death
- Love
- Kids and birds
- The stranger
- Sunset
- Night
- Final party
- Reeds
- Making of
- Production and music: Paco Viciana
- Script and stage direction: Angel Amieva
- Poems: Josep Navarro Santaeulàlia
- Photographs: Tino Soriano
- Scenery: Pep Aymerich
- Lighting design: Josep Maria Perez
- Sound design: Toni Paris
- Video: Xavi Pérez and Miquel Casadevall "Quelfo"
- Voice: Eva Trullàs
- Soprano saxophone and flute: Adria Bauzó
- Bass: Toni Terré
- Drums: Cidon Trindade
- Guitars: Marcelo Valente
- Piano and Psalteri: Paco Viciana
- Claudia de Siato
- Carlos Varela
- Marta Lopez
- Glòria Cristina
- Àngel Amieva
- Modern Dance Group Banyoles
- Alexia Ros
- Irene Villa
- Judith Saavedra
- Fatima Gifra
- Elena Constans
- Irene Casals
- Sandra Gimeno
- Maria Cufí
- Alba Carretero
- Sandra Capellera
Coordinator manipulators:
- Iona Altimiras
Stage Councillors:
- Marc Sala
- Fidel Villabrille
- Aniol Viciana
- Anna Amieva
- Alba Amieva
- Marc Villabrille
- Isabel Oliver
English translation of the poems:
- Lucy Humphries
- City of Banyoles
Additional information