
Show premiered March 23, 2002 at the Municipal Theatre of Banyoles (Girona).

Multidisciplinary show to present my new album "Glimpses" of 2001. A study funded entirely by me and published by Resistencia Ediciones.

Glimpses The show

In this new album I wanted to use all the contacts I had made before ​​to try getting luxury collaborators. I asked for participation in it to Maria del Mar Bonet, Joan Manuel Serrat, Kepa Junkera and Dulce Pontes, but I did not get the desired response. So I surrounded me by a luxury band, and I build a first recording that I used to get the financing that the project needed.


Once I got the funding, I could make a presentation of the show as I had planned, with a spectacular scenography by Jaume Geli, Angel Amieva in stage direction, with stage actors and all kinds of spectacular effects. 

A visual and musical show which I filled the Municipal Theater of Banyoles for two nights in a row.




  1. Music (premiere)
  2. Lullaby
  3. Looking for your beloved (Love to life)
  4. Dantza
  5. Free Spirit (premiere)
  6. Mother tenderness (Love to life)
  7. Vulcano (premiere)
  8. Glimpses (premiere)
  9. Deep Wells (premiere)
  10. Life is born free (Love to life)
  11. And why not? (premiere)
  12. Love to life (Love to life)
  13. Africa (premiere)
  14. Instantaneous Music (Good wishes) (premiere)


Cd Glimpses



  • Vocals: Alícia Calzada
  • Electric Guitars: Francesc Ubanell
  • Bass: Manel Vega
  • Diatonic accordion and bagpipes: Pere Pau Jiménez
  • Drums and percussion: Cidon Trindade
  • Percussion: Enric Canada
  • Piano: Paco Viciana
  • Actor and Actress: Ingrid Calpe, Angel Amieva
  • Stage direction: Angel Amieva
  • Scenography: Jaume Geli
  • Lighting design: Josep María Pérez
  • Sound design: Toni Paris and Ruski



  • 23 March 2002 at the Municipal Theatre of Banyoles (Girona) (premiere)
  • 24 March 2002 at the Municipal Theatre of Banyoles (Girona)



  • Poster from the show