1987-Don Quixote of La Mancha
Musical premiered on October 10, 1987 at the Círcol Catòlic of Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona).
In 1987 they assigned me the musical direction of the staging of the musical "A man from la Mancha" of Mitch Leigh, by the theatrical chamber group of Barcelona Xaris. The show was called DON QUIXOTE OF LA MANCHA, and besides directing musicly the work, I also participated in a small role in the play as Inquisitor.
The close relationship during the production of musical between all the members of the company, was so intense and creative, that generated the song "Eyes". The meeting place was the pub "La gens que j'aime" of Barcelona, and conversation and all generated in that period, has been instaured in a very special place of my heart and my memories. I keep an intense memory of those bohemian years, full of hope, intense frienships and freedom. My professional musical career started then. Unrepeatable!
Círcol Catòlic of Vilanova i la Geltrú
- Main actors: Paco Gázquez, Rosa María Barriocanal, Victor Escartin, Jaume De Caso, Anna Toral, Xavier Canals, Josep María Llaveria, Núria Santaeugènia, Jordi Crespi, Mariano Cupido, Montse Palomares, Pili Bargallo.
- Text: Jordi Crespi sobre "Don Quijote de la Mancha" de Miquel de Cervantes i una idea de D.H. Wasserman.
- Music: Mitch Leigh, Krzysztof Penderecki and Paco Viciana.
- Scenography: Jordi Crespi
- Costumes: Conxita Mateu
- Masks: Horacio Espeche and Adelina Boyle
- Choreography: Pili Bargallo and Montse Palomares
- Musical Direction: Paco Viciana
- Stage Direction: Jordi Crespi
- Direction Assistant: Geli Fernández